Self-hosted LiveSyncとDataViewを共存させる
今までこの問題で僕はDataViewを使えなかったのですが、Lazy Plugin Loaderでこの問題を解決できたので、メモしておきます。
Lazy Plugin Loader
- Community PluginのLazy Plugin Loaderをインストールする
- Self-hosted LiveSyncの起動を「Instant」に設定する
- DataViewの起動を「Long delay」に設定する
以上です。これで、まずSelf-hosted LiveSyncが起動し、その後にDataViewが起動するようになります。
なお、ファイル数が少ない場合は、DataViewの起動を「Short delay」にしても問題ありません。
-- English version --
How to coexist Self-hosted LiveSync and DataView
When you try to enable both of them at the same time, they compete for IndexedDB and the startup time is significantly increased.
If the startup of LiveSync is delayed, it will increase the chance of missing files, which is very bad.
I had not been able to use DataView because of this problem, but I was able to solve this problem with Lazy Plugin Loader, so I shall note it here.
Lazy Plugin Loader
This plugin allows you to delay load community plugins in Obsidian.
It was a lifesaver.
How to set up
- Install the Lazy Plugin Loader of the Community Plugin
- Set the startup of Self-hosted LiveSync to "Instant"
- Set the startup of DataView to "Long delay"
That's it. Now, Self-hosted LiveSync will start first, followed by DataView.
If you have a small number of files, you can also set the startup of DataView to "Short delay".
I would like to conclude by wishing you all the best and hope that this note will be of help to you.